HOW TO: Feel Good Using A Rolling Pin

You don’t need fancy or expensive equipment to earn those good feels. Using the common household-rolling-pin will absolutely, well & truly do the trick regardless of where you may be ‘feeling it’.

In this vid we cover muscular & myofasical release of the:

  • Planter Fascia (aka sole of the foot)

  • Shins

  • Calves

  • Inner thighs

  • Quads

  • Glutes

  • Thoracic spine

  • Neck (Headaches anyone?!)

  • Forearms

It’s important to note that using a rolling pin can be quite intense so if that’s the case for you, you can simply place a rolled up hand towel over it to ‘mute’ the intensity. Of course, you can substitute the rolling pin for a foam roller if you have one.

In addition to Feelin’ Good, we LOVE sharing the love! So feel free to share this video with someone who you think may benefit from it. They will j’adore you for it. Simply click ‘Share’ on the video below.

While you’re here, you can make an Osteopathy appointment by booking online. It’s way too easy. Just click righhhhhhht, here!

There's no need for expensive rehab tools when you can use common household item that work JUST as good or even better! This week we cover commonly prescribe...
