Knee pain
Having ‘bad knees’ is one of the most common reasons for a person to resist movement. Knee pain becomes the number one limiting factor when it comes to a person exercising (or not exercising for that matter). It is a vulnerable bodily region that is highly susceptible to wear and tear and therefore pain. The problem lies in the fact that as they become sorer we stop wanting to use them, and when we stop using them, they become worse.
See the issue here? We certainly do. And that’s why we believe that a combination of manual therapy, exercise/movement rehabilitation and biomechanical counselling/education is a recipe for long-lasting change.
Signs, symptoms & common conditions
Knee pain may present like:
Chronic knee pain
Pain behind the knee
Swollen knee/s
Medial / inner knee pain
Patellar tendon pain
Lateral / outer knee pain
Pain in the knee cap
Clicking / grinding knee pain
Common causes of knee pain include:
Patellar tendonitis / Jumper’s knee
Patellofemoral syndrome
IT band syndrome
Medial / lateral meniscus tear
Arthritis of the knee
Chondromalacia patella
Treatment and management for knee pain at Bodytech includes:
Soft tissue massage
Joint manipulation & articulation
Muscle energy technique (MET)
High velocity-low amplitude manipulation (HVLA)
Cupping therapy
Rigid and dynamic taping
Biomechanical counselling
Exercise prescription focusing on:
Pelvic stability
Knee strengthening exercises
Glute activation & strength
Foot, ankle & knee exercises & stretches