How to stretch at your desk
“This is a full body affair so get ready to feel good and improve your productivity at work.”
Stretching at your desk or “Stresking” is a skill that should really be learned at school. We’re all guilty of spending way too long at the desk which believe it or not, is probably the number 1 contributing reason for a lot of people’s pain in the clinic.
‘Stresking’ can be done whether your working from home or from the office. All you need is a desk! It’s that simple. Break up your work day every 45 mins (as a bare minimum!) by doing one or all of the exercises / stretches demonstrated. This is a full body affair so get ready to feel good and improve your productivity at work.
Get your work mates involved too by forwarding them this video or get your fitness instructor sweat band on and show them yourself. There are some real goodies in here!
While you’re here, you can make an Osteopathy appointment by booking online. It’s way too easy. Just click righhhhhhht, here!